What Does The Maximum Fragrance Load Or Fragrance % Of A Wax Mean?

Understanding Fragrance Load in Candle Making

The term fragrance load refers to the maximum percentage of fragrance oil that a particular wax can hold. This is an essential factor in candle making, as it determines how much fragrance oil you should use to achieve the desired scent strength without compromising the quality of your candle.

How Much Fragrance Oil Per Candle?

When determining how much fragrance oil per candle to use, it's crucial to follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for the wax you’re working with. For instance, if you're using a wax with a maximum fragrance concentration of 10%, and you're making a 16 oz. candle, you can add up to 1.6 oz. of fragrance oil (16 oz. * 10% = 1.6 oz.). Exceeding the recommended fragrance load can result in issues such as poor burning characteristics or the appearance of sweating, where the excess fragrance seeps from the candle.

What is Fragrance Load?

Fragrance load is the maximum amount of fragrance that a wax can retain without affecting its performance. For example, paraffin wax often has a lower scent capacity, typically around 3%, unless additives like Vybar are used to increase its capacity. On the other hand, many pre-blended waxes or those with additives can hold higher fragrance loads, sometimes up to 12%, allowing for a stronger scent throw in your finished candles.

Recommended Fragrance Load for Testing

For beginners, a good starting point is to use 1 oz. of fragrance oil per 1 lb. of wax. This results in a fragrance load of approximately 6.3%, a safe and effective amount for testing the performance of your candle. Always remember to calculate the fragrance load by weight, not by volume, to ensure accuracy.

By understanding and properly calculating the fragrance load, you can create candles that not only smell wonderful but also burn correctly and look great and safe.


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